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For this site-specific illumination of ECB’s Grossmarkthalle in the framework of the Luminale 2018, we teamed up with the renowned Berlin-based illustration artist Andreas Preis.
In an interdisciplinary working process, we brought together hand-drawn illustrations, 2D- and 3D-computer animations and a sound design by Janis E. Müller. The bold illustrations turn the Grossmarkthalle into a colorful urban canvas. What at first sight may seem like a static street art piece eventually comes to life and transforms the complex facade that has been remodeled by Coop Himmelb(l)au in 2014.

Commissioned by the European Central Bank for the Luminale 2018

Art Direction & Concept: Alexander Trattler
Motion Graphic Design: Moritz Horn, Julian Hölscher
Illustrations: Andreas Preis
3D-Supervisor: Thorbjörn Geisler
Sound-Design: Janis Elias Müller

Technical Director: Frank Wagner
Window Cover Supervisor: Armin Jakob
Mockup Construction: Eike Buff & Lukas Neumann

Production Manager: Majo Ussat

Camera: Moritz Horn, Lukas Neumann
Documentation Edit: iona w.
Photos: Alexander Trattler, Moritz Horn, Lukas Neumann

Production Partner: Panasonic